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My Philosophy

Birth is a monumental life event, worthy of consideration, respect and preparation.

Birth is a normal and natural process and not a medical event. Women’s bodies are designed to give birth and each is equipped with the innate knowledge to guide them through it.  

I believe that a woman’s sense of security, confidence and emotions have a   profound effect on her birth outcome.

It is my goal to create an atmosphere in which your privacy, autonomy, and emotional vulnerability is protected.

A woman deserves support for any birth option she may choose and I strive to provide her with the current research necessary to make educated decisions regarding such options. There is no one right way to give birth.

How a woman is cared for prior to and during pregnancy, childbirth, and thereafter, is important – not just because of the child they carry, give birth to, or care for – but rather because, as human beings, they have an inherent right to dignity, respect, autonomy, shared decision making, and competent nurturing care.

As your doula, I can help protect that sacred and safe space in which you stand and deliver as a woman, while becoming a new mother.

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